6 Demanding Colors
With Sleeves Neck Lace 3Pc
48 Gown Lenght
35 Shirt Lenght
20 Chest Size
37 Trouser Lenght
Fabric Silk
Price Only 2000
Adv pymnt
Come First Get first
floral embroidered mesh dress,
floral embroidered shirt
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
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Comparelawn fully heavy embroidered Spengle work & foil work
centre panel with fully heavy embroidered spengle work left & right panel attach with heavy embroidered
spengle work daman boarder
plain lawn back
lawn fully heavy alternet embroidered spengle work & foil work sleeves with heavy embroidered spengle work sleeves boarder
net fully heavy embroidered spengle
work dupta with 2 side heavy embroidered organze boarder attach with 4 side heavy embroidered lace
attachment with 4 side kiran lace attach with 2 side heavy embroidered pallou boarder attach
dyed cambric trozer
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
To place any order kindly
Compareladies fancy chadar
Pure Breeze Lawn.
Chikan and Thread Embroidery.
Good Standard Shawl Size.
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
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