chiffon suit with malai trouser online
chiffon suit with malai trouser online MALAI Trousers with a Fabric Chiffon Suit and Sequence-embroidered neck, embroidered bunch, front, and back
ASIM JOFA Unstitch Replica is the brand name.
MALAI Trousers with a Fabric Chiffon Suit
Sequence and handwork are embroidered on the front body.
Sequence in the Back Body
Handwork Embroidered Sleeves
Embroidered Gair on the Front and Back
The dupatta has a border that is embroidered on four sides.
Simple Trousers
16 inches in length
23 inches in width
GAIR Measurements: 36 Inches102 inches in width
7 Days Easy Return
Available in new colours
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Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
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