silk frock design
This exquisitely sewn gown, which is made of opulent silk frock design, radiates comfort and sophistication. accessible at a reasonable cost.
Product Details:
Stuff Kattan Silk, Soft Cotton.
Sizes available in inches
wearing a dupatta made of net
Adjust these sizes to your child’s age.
Size range: 16″ to 20″; cost: $2650
Size range: 22″ to 26″; 2950/-
Size range: 28″ to 30″; 3150/-
Dimensions: 32″ to 34″; cost: $3350
Dupata in Chiffon: 3550
Advance payments are not COD.
DC 250: ordering takes 6 to 8 days.
7 Days Easy Return
Available in new colours
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
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