Zainab Chottani Bridal Replica designs are the best quality master replica. We offer the best wholesale pricing on Pakistani designer replica clothing.
completely weighted alternet with spengle work embroidery on the front body with
Fully weighted alternet with embroidered spider work on the back
The front kali of the net is heavily embroidered with spengle work, and the daman border is heavily embroidered.
net with embroidered work on the back that is completely hefty. The Daman Boarder
Fully embroidered work sleeves made of net with a heavily embroidered border
Net dupta with cutwork and four sides of embroidered frell lace embellishment, entirely embroidered.
Tan silk trozer dyed
Details of the fabric
net front and rear body and
Kali frouk front six
52″ back width
Gherra’s minimum length is 58
Net ready to wear dupta
Dyed silk trozer
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
To place any order kindly
CompareZainab Chottani Bridal Replica designs are the best quality master replica. We offer the best wholesale pricing on Pakistani designer replica clothing.
completely weighted alternet with spengle work embroidery on the front body with
Fully weighted alternet with embroidered spider work on the back
The front kali of the net is heavily embroidered with spengle work, and the daman border is heavily embroidered.
net with embroidered work on the back that is completely hefty. The Daman Boarder
Fully embroidered work sleeves made of net with a heavily embroidered border
Net dupta with cutwork and four sides of embroidered frell lace embellishment, entirely embroidered.
Tan silk trozer dyed
Details of the fabric
net front and rear body and
Kali frouk front six
52″ back width
Gherra’s minimum length is 58
Net ready to wear dupta
Dyed silk trozer
Home Deleviery on National Wide
Shipping Time -> 2-7 working Days
To place any order kindly
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